
Isys 100 sports video

Hey guys, Here is a video we put together of us playing some sports. we played 'horse' in basketball and soccer. horse is a schoolyard game where people take turns taking shots in a row. if one person gets the shot in, the next person must get his shot or he is out of the game. it was a nice sunny day, good times were had by all. in this blog we each did our own topic. Simon did MMA, josh did soccer, seung covered basketball, joseph covered tennis, jason covered volley ball. This video was recorded on josephs phone, simon provided the tripod, seung provided the balls, jason provided the video ideas and josh edited the video we hope you enjoy

Volleyball Historic Matches: Netherlands vs Italy 1996

VOLLEYBALL AT THE 1996 OLYMPIC GAMES One of the greatest head to head matches in this sport's history. Period. The Netherlands-Italy match that took place at Atlanta City in 1996 was an incredible showcase of the highest level of the sport between the two strongest countries. The stakes were incredibly high- it was for Olympic Gold. It went to final 5th round with Netherlands pulling ahead with the 3-2 victory over Italy. Every set was fought to the pinnacle- with each set averaging only 5 points between each other.  Netherlands and Italy enjoyed incredible success against the other Olympic teams for Volleyball, with most games ending with only 1 set lost.  When both teams arrived in Atlanta for the Olympic Games, Italy were touted as the unanimous favourites amongst analysts. The head to head between Italy and Netherlands in other internatio
3: NIKE KOBE AD NXT 360 FLYKNIT by Seung Lee | May 5, 2018 | basketball                                             | Image: | On the 13th of April, Nike Kobe AD NXT 360 fly-knit was released to pay tribute to who is known as one of the most greatest basketball player: Kobe Bryant. This particular sneaker has been gaining a lot of popularity recently due to the amazing features included with the shoes. Here is my personal review of the features of the shoes: Has 360 fly-knit that wraps around players foot, allowing quicker movements Insole is made with the combination of two foams: react and lunarlon which gives responsiveness and a better court feel Material is super lightweight and durable which allows players to be mobile while still containing the foot inside the shoe Effective traction pattern that allows hard stops without slipping The highlight of the sneaker's appearance is

The Big Names in Tennis

The Big Names in Tennis Rafael Nadal As of late it appears that the current World No.1 ranked player, Rafael Nadal, is elevating his level of play into his golden age, and at 31 years old at that. AN Infosys ATP Beyond The Numbers analysis of Nadal's play during the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters has revealed that, in his 11 wins of the title, this year was his second-highest percent of total points to take the title. He Won 60.9% of the total points in five matches last week, the highest of any of his 11 titles. Roger Federer Whilst it appears that there is nobody to challange Nadal on the clay court, Roger Federer has confirmed to play the grass-court event at Stuttgart, as well as previously attended events Halle and Wimbledon. However, it is hard to tell whether or he take back his World No.1 ranking again at 36-years old .


AUSTRALIA VS JAPAN  The very first game to commence the newly created tournament starts off with the men's national teams from Australia and Japan, favouring the latter. Historically, while both sides were never strong contenders in the Volleyball World League, Olympics and other competitions, in recent years, Japan has been successful. Japan finished as runners-up in their group for the 2017 FIVB World League. While they have the edge in recent performance, Australians players are bigger, an issue Japan still hasn't been able to overcome. While they have recruited taller players such as Issei Otake and Taishi Onodera, time will tell if the new team can synergise properly to battle Australia, whose 2017 team has remained intact. Whether such a young Japanese team with their eldest member being 27 can develop properly is interesting to see. The game is set to begin on the 25th May 2018 in Par

UFC 224 Nunes vs. Pennngton

Image UFC 224 is a couple weeks away - no fights for the next few weeks. The fight card takes place in Brazil. The UFC likes to host a big 'Brazil vs. the world' card in Brazil at least once a year. At least 1 Brazilian features in each fight on the card. Amanda Nunes defends her women's 135lbs title against Raquel Pennington. Nunes has looked like a wrecking ball in her past few fights and I see her winning this fight too. Raquel is coming off a long lay off due to injury, I expect this to play a factor in the result of this fight. In the co-main event, Kelvin Gastelum is fighting Jacare. I'm unsure who wins this one. I'm super interested to see who claims victory, as the winner of this fight will possibly be up for a title shot shortly. If Jacare doesn't show his age, I can see him wrestling and submitting the smaller Gastelum. Howev

Premier League Match-Day 36 Recap

Match Day 36: The new king of the Premier League As the new week of the Premier League was about to kick off there was new king of the Premier League announced this being Mo Salah who is one of Liverpools off season recruits who has been crowned by his peers the PFA player of the year for the Premier League in an era where the market for a players signature costs alot more then what it once was  £42 million is an absolute steal for what he has done this season for the reds. He is only one goal away from scoring the most goals in a single premier league season as he his tied on 31 with some premier league legends, either way if he wasn't to score another goal this season 31 goals in a 38 game season is still an amazing return. Crystal Palace have all but secured safety as they had a field day over Leicester  city winning  5-0 and  recording their biggest ever Premier league win in the clubs history, another team that has all but secured their position is Manches